2018: Book #8
Very, very disturbing.
That’s how I would describe Leonardo da Vinci. Beyond that, was he a genius? Yes…very much so.
I just finished book #8 for 2018…
Walter Isaacson’s “Leonardo da Vinci.”
This 524 page beast is interesting…not great. I entered the book with a strike against me…I’m not an “art” guy. I’d rather see a photograph. Asking me to look at the lines, how things flow, and the arc of the light…well…I’d rather people-watch at the mall.
How did this book help me as a leader?
Da Vinci had a habit of not finishing anything. He died with thousands of works incomplete—drawings, paintings, statues and so on. However, as Isaacson points out…greatness must overreach. It is in the overreaching that innovation is birthed. Those who overreach often don’t finish the task. Even so, they are able to drag the rest of humanity—inch by inch—toward their greatness.
Think about this…by starting tens of thousands of projects, Da Vinci was able to complete The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. Because of those two works, no one cares about the thousands that are incomplete.
For me, try a million things. Who cares if 999,998 don’t work?
If two do, what progress will those two bring us?
I give the book 3 out of 5.
If you do read it, have a thick skin and a brave heart.
You’ll learn stuff that could…well….I’ll just end there.
That’s book #8 for 2018.
44 more to hit the goal of 52.
Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.