2020: Book #11
I just finished Nigel Hamilton’s 498 page book, “War and Peace: FDR’s Final Odyssey, D-Day to Yalta, 1943-1945.”
Great read. It’s about the courage of a leader to continue on no matter how the odds were stacked against him or the nation.
Now I begin Jonathan Alter’s book, “The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope.”
Why so much about FDR?
Because America is facing days that resemble those of Mr. Roosevelt.
Economic uncertainty.
A crisis of hope.
The need for clear, bold, inspiring leadership.
My personal prayer is that these books would help me in guiding PAR in these uncertain times and remind me that leadership can make a difference.
Hamilton is one of my favorite writers and FDR is one of my favorite presidents.
The two make a great combination.
I was reminded that a small decision can have tremendous impact.
The value of relationships is seen when FDR arrives and Yalta and begins to negotiate.
Pursuing the good of the nation over one’s personal interests is an example that FDR sets.
He’s flying to Yalta and holding meetings while his personal health is failing.
Valuable read.
Helpful to the heart.
I give it 4 stars out of a possible 5.
That’s book #11 for 2020.
41 more to go.
Leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.
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