2018: Book #4

Finished book #4 for 2018…

“The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact” by Chip Heath & Dan Heath

Read this book if you want to understand:

  • Why PAR’s mission statement fuels our passion
  • How PAR’s Vision Week creates a team
  • Why creating experiences is key  to attracting listeners & creating donors
  • How experiences can increase employee engagement and fulfillment

Simply put…read this book.

5 out of 5.

What this book taught me as a leader:

  1. Keep doing what PAR is doing. Just do it more and do it better.
  2. Continue to help the team understand the value of creating and delivering experiences. Doing so creates a positive emotional bond which is key for radio.
  3. Create an experiential on-ramp for new team members.
  4. Stories matter.
  5. Do stuff that matters. Communicate it loudly when we do stuff that matters. Help the team believe even more that they’re doing stuff that matters.

This is a phenomenal book; loved it!

Book #4 is done…on my way to 52 in 2018.

Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.

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