2018: Book #4
Finished book #4 for 2018…
“The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact” by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Read this book if you want to understand:
- Why PAR’s mission statement fuels our passion
- How PAR’s Vision Week creates a team
- Why creating experiences is key to attracting listeners & creating donors
- How experiences can increase employee engagement and fulfillment
Simply put…read this book.
5 out of 5.
What this book taught me as a leader:
- Keep doing what PAR is doing. Just do it more and do it better.
- Continue to help the team understand the value of creating and delivering experiences. Doing so creates a positive emotional bond which is key for radio.
- Create an experiential on-ramp for new team members.
- Stories matter.
- Do stuff that matters. Communicate it loudly when we do stuff that matters. Help the team believe even more that they’re doing stuff that matters.
This is a phenomenal book; loved it!
Book #4 is done…on my way to 52 in 2018.
Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.