2019: Book #4

“An invisible God has the right to determine how He is to be made visible (or not).”

That’s from Kevin DeYoung’s new book, “The 10 Commandments: What They Mean, Why They Matter, and Why We Should Obey Them.”

This quote is in reference to the commandment of not taking the name of the Lord in vain. DeYoung’s point?  God does not wish to be made visible in a manner that is less than what He is. Now that is powerful. It exposes that we are not God…only He is.

Here are some quotes that challenge us:

“We also profane God’s name by accusing Him of things that are false.”

“A more serious way to break the third commandment is by using God’s name to advance our own agenda.”

“We rest so that we might be free to worship God; and we give God worship, in part, by trusting Him enough to rest.”

“As B.B. Warfield put it: ‘Christ took the Sabbath into the grave with Him and brought the Lord’s Day out of the grave with Him on the resurrection morn.’”

“We ought to trust Christ enough to stop and rest.”

“Parents should not expect the same obedience from grown children as they did when their children were young.”

“No matter people’s race or ethnicity, how they vote, their health or disabilities, their age or infirmities, or whether they are bothersome to others, every person has inherent worth and dignity since each one is created to represent God.”

DeYoung, a PCA pastor, is making sure we understand that simply because the Ten Commandments are part of the Old Covenant that they still apply to us today. We do not try and live by them in an effort to earn salvation from God, which is, be a good person and you go to heaven—not at all. DeYoung is making the point that because of what Christ has done, our lives should be shaped by the Savior and part of that looks like the Ten Commandments.

This book is so good. Do I recommend it? That would be a resounding, yes!

That’s book #4 for 2019.
48 more to go.

Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.

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