2018: Book #15

Spend time in thought; consider what you just read. That’s the premise of the book, “Meditation” by Jim Downing. It’s a small book of 105 pages.

Downing’s point is to read the Bible with purpose. After reading, consider it.


Literally….just think.

Consider what the Word is saying to various areas in your life.

It’s a good little book. Thankful a friend sent it to me as a gift.

Downing even offers several ways you can practice meditation. While they can be helpful, be careful. Don’t get to a place where you feel guilty if you don’t meditate. Don’t take someone’s suggestions and make them law.

But I will say this: Thinking about the Bible is a good thing.

It’s a very good thing.

Here’s how it helped me as a leader:

Slowing down and thinking. Don’t just act all the time…think.

Considering what the Bible is saying. The Bible affects every area in my life…yours, too. Remembering this helps me overcome arrogance.

Never forgetting God’s grace. An expression of God’s grace is the ability to consider His word. Dear me, don’t waste the grace.

This is a really good book.

4 out of 5 stars.

That’s book #15 for 2018.
37 more to go reach the the goal of 52 for the year.

Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.

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