2020: Book #29
“Out, damned spot! Out!”
Those are famous words from Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s famed tragedy, “Macbeth.”
After murdering his rivals, the play focuses on how Macbeth and his wife deal with their immense guilt and shame.
The play is nothing short of a diagnosis of the human condition.
We want what we don’t have, scheme on how to get it, and then once achieved…wrestle the guilt and shame of the things we did to gain that which we should not have.
It goes without saying that Macbeth is great writing.
Why did I read, and will read, more Shakespeare?
I want to continue to learn how to turn a phrase.
Why did he use that word?
Why did that sentence paint a picture better than a different one?
Great literature.
These are words that take you on a roller coaster of emotions and insights.
Shakespeare always gets 5 out of 5 stars.
That’s book #29 for 2020.
23 more to go.
Remember, all leaders are readers.
If you want to be a better leader…be a reader.